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morah hochman's user avatar
morah hochman
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 12 years ago
31 votes

Reasoning vs "because I say so"

19 votes

Why does my toddler want to take her clothes off?

17 votes

How do you investigate what's going on in the pre-kindergarten classroom?

16 votes

Encouraging my 2-year-old to play independently

14 votes

How do I explain good sportsmanship to a 4 year old?

14 votes

How can we avoid tantrums over sweets and cakes?

14 votes

Can a toddler spend too much time with books?

13 votes

11-month old daughter suddenly refusing to eat lunch/dinner

13 votes

Breaking my rejection of christianity to my parents

12 votes

Are prenatal classes worth it?

12 votes

Should I discourage my son from "stealing" toys from Let's Rock Elmo?

11 votes

Sex play in young children

11 votes

How to stop my 8 year old from crying every time she's frustrated?

11 votes

How to promote individual play for a toddler?

11 votes

Any suggestions on how to control yelling and negativity on our part, and also teach my 8 yr old son to not feel so helpless and cry so easily?

10 votes

How to encourage a 4 month old to swim

10 votes

Should I be concerned about my 12-month-old not understanding what we say?

10 votes

How do you say "not now"?

9 votes

How to handle my 9-year-old's uncontrollable raging fits?

9 votes

Stopping a toddler playing with his belly button

8 votes

What age do you stop reading bedtime stories?

8 votes

Attention-promoting activities for a toddler

8 votes

How do I explain the difference in responsibilities and privileges between the oldest and youngest child?

8 votes

Should we use special detergent/washing powder for the laundry of baby clothes?

8 votes

What to do when daycare doesn't allow ill children during winter?

7 votes

How can I tame my 5 year old's wild hair?

7 votes

How do you address a 5 year old that has problems accepting corrections?

6 votes

How to remove Toddler's attraction for iPhone /iPad?

6 votes

How do you evaluate yourself as a parent?

6 votes

16 months old and no signs of communication. Should we be concerned?