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Peter's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
69 votes

How to respond to 17 year old daughter going out with a 25 year old man?

47 votes

How can we manage our adult son taking back an item we confiscated, without our knowledge, when he has moved out?

23 votes

Disclosing parent separation to all children together or each one separately

22 votes

My child wants GTA V for his birthday

10 votes

What are the legal, emotional, and/or behavioral repercussions of confiscating money as a punishment?

10 votes

Should I buy my college child a vehicle when I can afford to or make him earn it on his own?

9 votes

Grandparents mistreating my children

9 votes

Condoms in a care package: Parents advice

8 votes

Parent insists I lied and getting punished for it

7 votes

Possible problems in a family without a car

6 votes

My sister is talking to a guy way older than she is - should I let her?

6 votes

How can I stop my parents from fighting?

5 votes

Which is more important for a baby: keep the baby happy or keep the baby healthy

5 votes

Should I babysit my step granddaughter?

4 votes

Which approach is appropriate to manage a 14-year old boy that constantly ignores his parents?

4 votes

How do I keep my step-son in line when the Mother turns around and rewards him for bad behaviour after I had just got done telling him "no"?

4 votes

Should I continue to allow my ex extra visits with his daughter when he is so unhelpful to me?

4 votes

Is this alcohol consumption by my father normal?

2 votes

Good punishment for your kid using your credit card to buy things online without permission

2 votes

How to convince a 4-year old child that professional cyclists are not littering during a race?

2 votes

How do I introduce my sons biological father to my 4 year old when my fiancé has taken that role and is called daddy?

2 votes

My husband is likely the father of a child, but the child doesn't know. Is it too late with the child being 12 years old?

2 votes

Why do parents refer to themselves in the third person?

2 votes

5.5 Month old turns onto her stomach during sleep, should I turn her onto her back again?

2 votes

Are sit and stand strollers suitable for 4-month-old infants?

2 votes

6.5 month old still not feeding enough

2 votes

Another girl is copying from our daughter in the Mock Sat Test!

1 vote

Getting out of rewards for what kid does

1 vote

My 9 month old is not crawling

1 vote

Why aren't pacifiers used to stop infants from crying in airplanes?