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79 votes

Can taking my 1-week-old on a 6-7 hours journey in the car lead to medical complications?

Zero distance in someone’s lap. In an accident baby will become a missile and escape the grip... If the baby is in a properly installed, rated car seat then fine, otherwise how would many parents get ...
Solar Mike's user avatar
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64 votes

How can we get some free time (on daily basis)?

Welcome in the world of exhausted parents! The most important thing first: The great news is while right now you can't really see it, it will get better. What you're going through right now won't last....
Pascal remembers Monica's user avatar
60 votes

Using baby clothes that have been in storage for years

There is absolutely no reason not to reuse the clothes if they are not stained or otherwise unusable. Check the smell. Wash them carefully with the soap you find best for babies as you would new ...
Nimloth's user avatar
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54 votes

When a baby cries, should we speak to it?

If you want to do what is best for your baby, then you should be talking to her pretty much all the time, except when she's asleep. So yes, talk to her when she cries; your voices will let her know ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
41 votes

What to do about my 1-month-old boy peeing through diapers?

The most common problem with baby boys “leaking” is based on male anatomy. During a diaper change, you’ll typically have the baby on his back. The baby’s little penis may flop every random direction. ...
Stephie's user avatar
  • 18.2k
40 votes

Can taking my 1-week-old on a 6-7 hours journey in the car lead to medical complications?

As mentioned, a baby should never travel in the car by anything but a child seat that is properly installed (preferably rear-facing). Do not take them out of the seat for any reason while driving: Not ...
Patrick's user avatar
  • 509
40 votes

Feeding a newborn throughout the night without letting him cry

It's not generally ideal to schedule night feedings (unless under a doctor's recommendation). You may want to wake your baby if they go lo longer than 5 hours asleep between feedings during the ...
Meg's user avatar
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38 votes

When is it OK to take a newborn swimming?

Most sources will state no sooner than 6 months, but it kind of depends on the baby's size. Infants are notoriously poor at regulating body temperature when it comes to environment. They can't ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
33 votes

Hair thinning on 3.5 months old

This is very common. The main thing is not to worry. Most babies lose some of their hair, only to grow more later. And some babies lose all their hair. Your girlfriend could be correct - often it's ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 26.6k
32 votes

Is it safe to store and use a desktop computer for long hours next to baby's crib?

Working in the same room your son sleeps is more an issue of the sounds and light of your monitor you make while working rather than the electromagnetic radiation. If possible, it'd be good for nap ...
Calvin Smythe's user avatar
31 votes

Can taking my 1-week-old on a 6-7 hours journey in the car lead to medical complications?

Travelling with newborns is not the safest option, but it can be done: Carrying the baby in your wife's (or anybody else's) lap should be avoided at all costs. If you e.g. brake just a bit harder ...
walen's user avatar
  • 894
30 votes

Baby's head always turned to one side: should I do anything?

It's pretty common for infants to have a 'favorite side', and it may resolve on its own. You can encourage this development by placing nice things to look at on the disfavored side to entice the baby ...
Meg's user avatar
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26 votes

Should I let a 1 month old to sleep on her belly under surveillance?

I'm not going to address the wider question, but you are not going to notice if your baby stops breathing unless you are actively watching their chest move, and possibly not even then. Here is one ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
  • 10.5k
19 votes

Experience with travelling long hours in a car with a 10-week-old baby?

We did a 9 hour haul from Germany to Denmark with a 6 weeks old and a one year old. No issues or problems. A few things to consider Two adults makes this A LOT easier. You can take turns driving, ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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19 votes

Feeding a newborn throughout the night without letting him cry

As a rule, plans made for parenting strategy last until about 5 minutes after birth. Don't worry. Your little tyke will let you know when it needs feeding, and your parental instincts will kick in. ...
RedSonja's user avatar
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18 votes

How can we get some free time (on daily basis)?

As a parent of 3 kids, now ranging from 12 to nearly 18, I can tell you - you will not get time for your hobbies/passions for some years! Family, friends or babysitters are essential if you want to ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 26.6k
16 votes

When a baby cries, should we speak to it?

I'd suggest you just try it. Whatever works, works. You'll notice soon enough what makes her calm down, and what doesn't. I don't think there are rules to this, and not all babies respond to exactly ...
Pascal remembers Monica's user avatar
16 votes

Hobby vs. baby balance

First, congratulations on becoming a parent! As you have (or will soon) discovered, babies are work. A lot of work. And usually when you'd rather be sleeping or cleaning the baby puke out of your ...
Becuzz's user avatar
  • 13.3k
15 votes

Is it common practice to keep a 13-day-old awake for longer during the day, so she will sleep longer at night?

Is it too early to sleep train and keep her up more during the day? In brief: Yes, it is far too early. Parents and children have a circadian rhythm that is governed by hormones like cortisol, ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
15 votes

What to do about my 1-month-old boy peeing through diapers?

My experience with my son was this: every time he was experiencing a noticeable number of leaks, we went up a size and it addressed the issue. It's true that, on a couple of occasions, his penis was ...
Dancrumb's user avatar
  • 277
14 votes

Can wife and I handle pre/post our baby birth problems without our parents' help?

You and your wife can absolutely handle a baby without Grandparents help, many people have in the past and will in the future. The real question is: Do you want to? Having a baby and caring for a ...
gtwebb's user avatar
  • 306
14 votes

Do diapers have any effect on the shape of legs?

No. As Peter commented, diapers/nappies have been used for hundreds of years and especially kept on at night to avoid nocturnal accidents. The common problem with them is nappy rash, and you are ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 26.6k
14 votes

If you can't spoil a newborn, when "can" you spoil a baby?

She is not much more than a newborn (that ends at 28 days - or 4 weeks); she's an infant/baby. She has more needs than "habits". In fact, I can't think of a single 'habit' a two month old baby can ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
13 votes

Is there any harm to simply leaving hard water cloudiness?

The deposits from hard water are just calcium carbonate, aka chalk, and magnesium carbonate. They are completely harmless. This report by the World Health Organisation gives a good overview of what ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
  • 10.5k
13 votes

Hair thinning on 3.5 months old

I'm going to add to @Rory's answer because there's an important issue which wasn't completely addressed. My gf's take on it is that since we (I) carry her too much, he head rubs in this area and the ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
12 votes

Feeding a newborn throughout the night without letting him cry

Popular wisdom is that we shouldn't let the baby get to the point that they're crying before we feed them. Umm, no. It's just not realistic to think that you can preempt baby's every need. Sure, ...
swbarnes2's user avatar
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12 votes

Should I let a 1 month old to sleep on her belly under surveillance?

Research has found that babies this young being in deep sleep is actually more dangerous and may contribute to SIDS. ( So its actually safer for her to ...
learner101's user avatar
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10 votes

What happens when you feed cold milk to a baby?

There is no scientific basis to the idea that cold milk would upset a baby's stomach more than warmed milk. Per the CDC: Breast milk does not need to be warmed. It can be served room temperature ...
virtualxtc's user avatar

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