5 votes

Should I be worried about my 6-month-old not yet rolling over?

Nelson, E. A., Yu, L. , Wong, D. , Wong, H. and Yim, L. (2004), Rolling over in infants: age, ethnicity, and cultural differences. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 46: 706-709. doi:10....
Anne Daunted GoFundMonica's user avatar
4 votes

At what age is handedness preference firmly established?

See this article: http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/handedness.aspx Infancy In his pioneering work on child behavior, the American developmental psychologist Arnold Gesell claimed that infants as ...
Rachel S's user avatar
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3 votes

how to encourage good posture/fix bad posture for 5 year old boy

I would try to get him interested in activities that improve his core muscles. Swimming would be my first approach. That way you can help him to fix his posture indirectly.
Karlokick's user avatar
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2 votes

At what age is handedness preference firmly established?

Our pediatrician told us that you can often tell which hand a baby will prefer by watching which hand it brings to its mouth most often, especially for a self-soothing effect. She even claims that if ...
Paul Pehrson's user avatar
2 votes

Newborn handstand pose

It sounds like she's having cramps, causing her to tense up and "overstretch" (Not sure that's the correct word in English). She has no good muscle control yet, so she's tensing all of her muscles. ...
Cyrus's user avatar
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how to encourage good posture/fix bad posture for 5 year old boy

encouraging it through indirect interest such as yoga and ballet is a good start, but like everything you have to also show the example.
JOduMonT's user avatar
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1 vote

how to encourage good posture/fix bad posture for 5 year old boy

On top of the Yoga and Ballet idea from @JOduMonT getting your son to play as though he is a soldier and doing parade drills could help. Marching around with him, with shoulders back and chest out, ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
1 vote

At what age is handedness preference firmly established?

Another anecdote. I have fraternal twin boys. They were ambidextrous through the first year or so. I had a suspicion that one was left-handed, but he wasn't reliably left-handed. Going into year 3, ...
mkennedy's user avatar
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