3 votes

I messed up and didn't teach my 4 year old much English, how do I start now?

First, the window isn't shut yet, although it is starting to close. It won't shut completely until the early teens. Under that age your son will be able to learn completely fluent English with the ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
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3 votes

I messed up and didn't teach my 4 year old much English, how do I start now?

As English is a second language for your son and not the primary language used locally and at school, your first challenge would be how to get your son interested in learning it. Some children are ...
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
2 votes

I messed up and didn't teach my 4 year old much English, how do I start now?

While I agree with the previous answers, as someone who only spoke French until the first day of kindergarten, and who learned other languages as needed, maybe my perspective will be informative. ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
1 vote

I messed up and didn't teach my 4 year old much English, how do I start now?

Four is a great age to start picking up a language. You haven't missed the boat at all. Ideally you should find another family nearby that speaks English. Let him hear English from multiple sources, ...
diyImma's user avatar
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