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43 votes

How to tackle sugar addiction

There is an old Indian story: A lady and her son went to a monk asking about her son's sugar problem. The monk said, "Come back here in 10 days." After 10 days she went back to the monk ...
Ritesh.mlk's user avatar
34 votes

My 5-year-old is stealing food and lying

Lying and stealing are normal behaviors at that age, especially in boys. Also normal in humans is a propensity for sweets. As adults, we eat what we want, but little ones often need permission, which ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
27 votes

How to tackle sugar addiction

Edit: scientific content deleted as I am not able to find, in reasonable time, the exact references needed to support it. It will, in all likelihood, be unrealistic to really keep your toddlers away ...
AnoE's user avatar
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18 votes

My 5-year-old is stealing food and lying

I'll be more authoritarian / prescriptive: Do not punish your child for telling the truth You write that the child is "lying about it". What do you hope to achieve by asking about it? Are ...
david's user avatar
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13 votes

Am I giving a bad example to other people's children by buying junk food in supermarket?

You are way over-thinking this. What you present for this parent is an opportunity to teach their child that other people make decisions that are different from their family. This child is going to ...
MJ6's user avatar
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6 votes

Soft drinks, at which age I should let child to drink

There is a pretty clear link between soda consumption and obesity. See, for example, Awareness around this link is clearly ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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4 votes

Soft drinks, at which age I should let child to drink

It would be best to think of sugary drinks like candy - a treat to be enjoyed once in a while. There is no nutritional value in sugary soft drinks, the sugar is just empty calories. Very little ...
MaxW's user avatar
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My 5-year-old is stealing food and lying

Be calm, and use this as an opportunity Hang in there. My 6 year old did this regularly at the end of last year and I noticed a whole lot of lolly wrappers under his bed. It's normal. I'm not sure ...
flox's user avatar
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3 votes

My 5-year-old is stealing food and lying

Hoarding food can be a sign of scarcity trauma (not necessarily of food) or fear and uncertainty about the future. If this is the case then focusing on the food may just be addressing the symptom not ...
Justin Ohms's user avatar
3 votes

How to tackle sugar addiction

Try starting with smaller dishes, smaller portions, less often. Precede it with a physical activity like a walk or swim. Follow with a set ritual like tooth brushing an hour after sugary meals. (...
WRX's user avatar
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2 votes

Soft drinks, at which age I should let child to drink

I think you should try to avoid sugar eating habits in her life. Young children are drawn to fats and sugars. Instead of giving candies or juices our family tries to find tasty fruits and vegetables. ...
KettuJKL's user avatar
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2 votes

Constipation and not eating while holding back poo. How can we help our son?

Basically I agree with @Nilah's answer. Once a child gets constipated badly enough that it causes a significant amount of pain to pass stool, they decide to hold it in until they can't anymore, and it ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
2 votes

My 5-year-old is stealing food and lying

How about having a "snack drawer" that is accessible to kids, and contains a nice amount of sweets and such? This will reduce any anxiety of scarcity in the child. Hoarding and stealing ...
roblogic's user avatar
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2 votes

What is an alternative to breakfast cereal with a comparable cooking time and sugar content?

Breakfast cereals are not all that healthy, often contain a lot of sugar, and there's nothing special about the nutrients they provide. I also think the concept of a breakfast food is quite flexible ...
Meg's user avatar
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1 vote

How do change eating habit

I think it has to do with dopamine receptors. Your son may be experiencing some kind of stress, or it may be a feature of his body, meaning that he needs to constantly receive dopamine. And this means ...
Daniel Shaw's user avatar
1 vote

How to make my 7- and 10-year-old nephews eat more healthily?

First, don't fall into the trap that healthy food has to taste like rubbish. Pizza is actually quite healthy. It's vegetables, meats, and dairy served on a flatbed. A complete balanced meal. Ramen, ...
pojo-guy's user avatar
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What's a healthy, non-perishable, keep-it-in-the-car-and-forget-it snack for a toddler?

We keep a few of these in our car at all times: trail mix: high in protein in case we are delayed for a meal or coming back from an activity apple sauce (unsweetened): good source of fiber, satisfies ...
nississima's user avatar

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