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112 votes

Is it bad being a "bad influence" for my younger cousin?

I lived in a family which was fairly restrictive. They were quite religious, we always ate healthy, never any junk food, all our activities were vetted and scrutinized. It was also emotionally ...
Francine DeGrood Taylor's user avatar
51 votes

My daughter just turned 13 and confides in me she wants to be a boy

You bring up many points that show that your relationship with your kid is not the best at the moment. But I'd like to focus on your kid presumably being trans. It isn't a trend Yes, there are more ...
Jan Niklas Fingerle's user avatar
40 votes

How to stop my 6 year-old son from running away and crying when faced with a homework challenge?

Find out why The first thing to do is to find out why he's running away and crying. I am deeply concerned that no-one in your family has apparently even thought to ask him that. If you had, then I ...
Graham's user avatar
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38 votes

How to stop my 6 year-old son from running away and crying when faced with a homework challenge?

Your child is six years old, and what you’re describing is a normal, developmentally appropriate reaction. Your job as the parent is to help him learn how to approach difficult tasks, by being ...
Joe's user avatar
  • 63.2k
33 votes

I don't like my mom and she is coming to stay with me, how to prevent it or handle in the best way?

It looks from your post that you have very good reasons not to let your mother stay at your place. It seems that in spite of seeing all the reasons why this is a bad idea you are still hesitant. A ...
Ola M's user avatar
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23 votes

My daughter just turned 13 and confides in me she wants to be a boy

I would suggest going carefully – the worst thing you could do is hurt your child or your relationship with them. Make sure that whatever you do is something that makes them feel loved and listened to....
Numeri's user avatar
  • 310
21 votes

I don't like my mom and she is coming to stay with me, how to prevent it or handle in the best way?

I agree with Ola M. You have to draw the line and then stick to it. "Sorry Mum, you can't stay with me." If you make excuses, she is going to be able to find 'solutions', so the only way is to tell ...
WRX's user avatar
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20 votes

How much protection from me coming out as a transwoman does my child need?

Depending on where you live, this might sound controversial, but children don't need protection from their parents as long as they don't engage in violent, sexual or otherwise unhealthy behavior in ...
Elmy's user avatar
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17 votes

My daughter just turned 13 and confides in me she wants to be a boy

Surgery sound scary, but it's not like on TV: you can't simply walk in and get surgery. Surgeons need to follow the WPATH Standards of Care (pdf) at the bare minimum. To my knowledge, all forms of ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
16 votes

Is it bad being a "bad influence" for my younger cousin?

From my perspective as a mother, the only thing I cringed at was the unlimited junk food part, largely because I have family that sees my (6 year old son) fairly frequently, and their "we're supposed ...
Shauna's user avatar
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16 votes

I believe that I may be the father of someone famous. How should I proceed?

Your assumption that famous people might be flooded with wacko messages and hence careful and possibly shielded by employees is probably right. I don't think you should use public channels to contact ...
Stephie's user avatar
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15 votes

My daughter just turned 13 and confides in me she wants to be a boy

What ever happens, make sure she has gender dysphoria. Transitioning without dysphoria is a massive mistake, and most realize this sooner or later. If she actually is transgender, then transitioning ...
Danny's user avatar
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14 votes

Stepson and girlfriend never come in the house now that we set limits

I am at a loss as to how to repair this relationship with the son now. I don't want to push them together by expressing my dislike of her and this whole situation to him, however, I fear this will be ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
12 votes

How to explain to my 2-year-old daughter that her biological father now wants to be called "daddy", after previously denying fatherhood?

Call them both daddy. Joe (Or whatever his name is.) is also your daddy. This should be all the explanation your two-year-old needs. She is not likely mature enough to understand the complexity, ...
NonCreature0714's user avatar
12 votes

How to stop my 6 year-old son from running away and crying when faced with a homework challenge?

I’m gobsmacked. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that perhaps in your efforts to be concise you were a little harsh on the way you portrayed yourself? Ok, firstly, homework at age 6? ...
Surly Sue's user avatar
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11 votes

Do my parents hate me?

We have no way to know the truth of this situation so my advice is: Set a time and a place for a meeting with your parents so you can talk it out. Your sibling should not be there and TV and so on ...
WRX's user avatar
  • 17.4k
10 votes

What is the appropriate age to tell my daughter that her biological father doesn't want to be a part of her life?

I think it was wrong on your part to convince your daughter that her biological father loves her but is unable to visit. Even if you had to tell her a lie, it would have been better to say that you ...
svj's user avatar
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8 votes

How do I change my son's views, after he confessed to me that he rather be with prostitutes over having an actual girlfriend?

Growing up I had a friend who feared things in life too, I remember talking to him when he was around 17. To him he wanted a stable job in his uncle's factory, nothing in management. He wanted a ...
PensiveWriter's user avatar
8 votes

How much can I and my parents help my wife directly after giving birth when she wants to only rest and breastfeed?

If you set things up the right way, mom only resting, holding baby and feeding for the first few days is feasible, and may even be ideal for establishing a good milk supply if she wants to exclusively ...
Meg's user avatar
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8 votes

How to stop my 6 year-old son from running away and crying when faced with a homework challenge?

I think you should take a step back and perhaps put yourself in your son's shoes. As a six year old, his highest priority isn't these assignments. It's playing. It's running around and jumping or ...
SomeShinyObject's user avatar
7 votes

Do my parents hate me?

It is difficult for us to guess: What is the reality of the situation, because everyone is biased, and you must be, too. And maybe there are a lot of situations where they think about you first, but ...
dim's user avatar
  • 273
7 votes

Who behaved badly?

All of them. All of them are being inflexible. So what if bed time routine is not executed on time. Basically the parents told the grandparents, who are doing them a favor, that their routine was more ...
DCook's user avatar
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7 votes

Stepson and girlfriend never come in the house now that we set limits

From the perspective of someone who has been on the far end of this situation, I would say follow the advice of other posters and be as welcoming as you can to both of them. If their relationship is ...
Francine DeGrood Taylor's user avatar
7 votes

How much protection from me coming out as a transwoman does my child need?

This is a partial answer, as the earlier answer is quite complete. The wife says, she would like to talk to a pediatrician to make sure recent studies prove children do not get traumatized. The ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
7 votes

How to stop my 6 year-old son from running away and crying when faced with a homework challenge?

Well, here's some things for you to think about - a few slaps to warm your ears. Firstly, from your description it seems that you are far too harsh with your son, and you seem unempathetic. A child ...
j4nd3r53n's user avatar
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6 votes

Is it bad being a "bad influence" for my younger cousin?

At home he isn't allowed to drink or eat any sweets. He is only allowed to see friends when he is passing all his classes with good grades. So that hasn't happenend in a long time. And Video Games ...
emiwark's user avatar
  • 77
6 votes

How do I change my son's views, after he confessed to me that he rather be with prostitutes over having an actual girlfriend?

Now hold on there. Escorts and prostitution aren't the same thing. Escorts usually have their own escorts with them to make sure things don't go south. Prostitutes... well, just hit the tenderloin in ...
Kai Qing's user avatar
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6 votes

My daughter just turned 13 and confides in me she wants to be a boy

This is not a full answer, more some advice. You say your daughter has some social anxiety (quite normal, certainly at that age) and that you work a lot. Is it possible she spends a lot of time alone ...
Ivana's user avatar
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