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58 votes

What to do about my toddler's fixation on the smell of her mother’s hair?

Your daughter is exhibiting self-soothing behavior, usually more pronounced when the child is tired or falling asleep. From the AAP's page on common childhood habits: Their ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
54 votes

When a baby cries, should we speak to it?

If you want to do what is best for your baby, then you should be talking to her pretty much all the time, except when she's asleep. So yes, talk to her when she cries; your voices will let her know ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
53 votes

How to deal with my 2-year-old daughter crying and getting angry when we don't give her what she asks for?

This is a difficult problem for parents because we hate making our children cry, but it seems to me that you use 'the naughty place' / timeout and that can be effective. I don't call it 'the naughty ...
WRX's user avatar
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45 votes

Baby fights to get out of arms, cries when I put him down

Babies are not good at figuring out what is bothering them -- simply that something is. Being tired, in particular, leads to a general crankiness that is difficult to alleviate. Since your son doesn't ...
Acire's user avatar
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17 votes

Why aren't pacifiers used to stop infants from crying in airplanes?

Pacifiers aren't magic. If something else is bothering a baby, a pacifier only calms them for a short while. This is useful, for example, if you need a baby to calm down for a few minutes while you ...
Karl Bielefeldt's user avatar
16 votes

When a baby cries, should we speak to it?

I'd suggest you just try it. Whatever works, works. You'll notice soon enough what makes her calm down, and what doesn't. I don't think there are rules to this, and not all babies respond to exactly ...
Pascal remembers Monica's user avatar
13 votes

Baby fights to get out of arms, cries when I put him down

Yup, it's normal. Basically, he feels rubbish because he's tired. So he's struggling and crying because he doesn't know how to stop feeling rubbish, and is trying to find a non-rubbish position. But ...
deworde's user avatar
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13 votes

How to deal with my 2-year-old daughter crying and getting angry when we don't give her what she asks for?

It sounds like what you have is a breakdown in communication. It's especially difficult around this age since she is trying to make use of her newly acquired language skills. Look at it from her ...
200_success's user avatar
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13 votes

What to do about my toddler's fixation on the smell of her mother’s hair?

"If my wife will not allow her to do so, she will keep crying and crying without stop." Sadly, I fear that this may be indicative that she has learnt that by crying, she can have her way; and I ...
UKMonkey's user avatar
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11 votes

Son cries intensively every morning when I bring him to day care, but he ostensibly likes it there

I'm at a loss as to why he's crying in the morning, when he apparently really likes it there. Because toddlers are highly compressed balls of contradictory emotions which change on a dime and all of ...
Don's user avatar
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10 votes

Does "Crying it Out" with a 9 month old make sense when in a hotel for a few days?

I think you're right in your concerns about confusing your baby. It's a good idea to wait until you get back from your trip to start sleep training unless you are going the "Extinction with parental ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
10 votes

How to make my 8-year-old son stop crying over the most simple things?

I am not an expert on ADHD and can not emphasize enough that what I am about to say is not easy to do in practice without addressing ADHD or any other emotional/cognitive condition. As with ...
Calvin Smythe's user avatar
9 votes

When a baby cries, should we speak to it?

She is an infant. At this point she knows two things: I am content, I am not content. If the baby is crying soothe it. If that means talking, talk. If that means touching, touch. You will quickly ...
DCook's user avatar
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9 votes

My newborn does not want to sleep at night

That sounds relatively normal. Note that a newborn has no concept of day and night yet - at least in the sense of what is a time for activity or sleeping. Even older babies that have good "sleeping ...
Stephie's user avatar
  • 18.2k
9 votes

Sleeping Less with Merlín Magic suit?

First, sleep deprivation (a nightmare-while-awake) is a real problem for every parent with every new infant, so trying to get the baby to sleep more is a real priority for parents. So your desire is ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
8 votes

How to deal with my 2-year-old daughter crying and getting angry when we don't give her what she asks for?

My feeling is that this is not directly about the phone. The outburst is symptomatic of an unmet need, and it's not the need for your phone. Your child is two. You are on your phone. The message to ...
Grokling's user avatar
7 votes

When a baby cries, should we speak to it?

From my experience, easiest way to comfort a newborn is to hold it so that they can hear your heartbeat (on the chest). One of the constants before birth is the heartbeat of the mother, and therefore, ...
Dragos's user avatar
  • 71
6 votes

20m Old Baby Is Insanely Cranky + Clingy + Not Leaving Her Mom, We Are At Our Wits End!

This does not, on the face of it, sound terribly unusual. She has probably not fully recovered yet. If she is still feeling ill, it makes sense for her to be cranky. Wouldn't you be? If she is ...
sleske's user avatar
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6 votes

Why does my baby cry when I hold her while sitting down?

Why? Babies have evolved that way. Not just human babies, infants behave the same way across the animal kingdom: Here we show a novel set of infant cooperative responses during maternal carrying. ...
tallus's user avatar
  • 515
6 votes

When a baby cries, should we speak to it?

Your voice will not irritate your baby girl, unless of course you're yelling, or talking in an angry tone. Talking on its own though, will rarely sooth a crying child. Gentle physical contact is ...
user1751825's user avatar
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6 votes

Forcing my sister/child to do any activities outside from school. How to approach a child differently in order to get their interest?

This sounds like it could be some sort of social anxiety. The first thing I would recommend is not trying to force anything on her. Trying to get someone to overcome anxiety by force is trying to ...
Wayne's user avatar
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6 votes

Baby crying till breathless

I've always called that the "air-raid scream". You see the baby's face scrunch up and get red while they inhale and then ... WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (much like an air-raid siren). It's normal....
Becuzz's user avatar
  • 13.3k
6 votes

What to do about 13-month-old who cries and whines all the time?

Unfortunately this is most likely just a phase. If it is, how long it lasts all depends on your reaction to it. I've experienced new baby jitters in two very different situations. In my first ...
SomeShinyObject's user avatar
6 votes

How to make my 8-year-old son stop crying over the most simple things?

While not an official DSM symptom of ADHD, Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria is a common issue with ADHD. I'm just learning what to do with an ADHD child, so take this advice lightly: I've started ...
Kimball Robinson's user avatar
6 votes

How to make my pre-schooler stop trying to make his friends follow the instructions given to him?

Children (usually) live by a routine from birth until... well, pretty much their entire childhood. But until they attend nursery, pre-school or school then that routine is enforced only by parents, ...
Astralbee's user avatar
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6 votes

Why does my 16 month old daughter cry when we imitate animal sounds?

Unexplained/seemingly random toddler phobias are extremely common, and particularly with children that are more anxious or sensitive in general. I know of one small child who would cry hysterically ...
Meg's user avatar
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5 votes

21-month-old crying for hours starting at the daycare door

Like any other parenting problem there are a lot of theories and such surrounding how to deal with those early days of daycare. Not every kid goes through this, but based on my daughter's daycare/...
Project707's user avatar
5 votes

Son cries intensively every morning when I bring him to day care, but he ostensibly likes it there

Are you carrying you child into the classroom? We have found that holding the kids hand and helping them walk into the classroom helps them disengage easier than carrying the kids and handing them off ...
Sean's user avatar
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5 votes

Settling in toddler in daycare

The same exact scenario happened with my Son. He did not have any interaction with any kids before. While entering the daycare itself, he would imitate vomiting and in a few minutes he would vomit ...
A Father's user avatar
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