Based on [this question][1], I think it would be interesting to hear opinions on use of spices in foods for toddlers. 

When we prepare meals, we add the seasoning/spices fairly late. This allows us to prepare some of the not-yet-seasoned food and prepare it for our toddler. We will then add spices to the rest of the food and finish cooking. I think the baby food we make is too bland for my (adult) taste, but then again the baby food you can buy in small jars is bland too. One reason is that small children should not consume too much salt. Another reason is that the child should have an honest chance to learn what the individual parts actually taste like: vegetables, potatoes, meats, all have distinct tastes that would be somewhat camouflaged behind seasoning. I'm sure my wife can think of a few more reasons.

So just like the sugar question, this begs the question:  
**When to introduce spices/seasonings into a toddler's diet? Why *then*?**

I'm not deliberately taking any extreme stance; I am not asking *why allow children to experience spices.* I do believe that children have a right to experience spices at some point, just as much as they ought to learn the foods' individual tastes. But *when*? And why *then*?
