My daughter is reluctant to participate in a family meeting, before day one. While I will ask her, what kinds of objections do you anticipate she has? She has no background from me as to what this meeting is. Perhaps she has heard something objectionable about such meetings from friends or a school counselor. I will ask her, but it will help to anticipate some of her objections. She is 13 and sharp as a tack. She is my step daughter. With a less than a stellar natural father. I know I need to get her to buy in. I am just looking for further ideas about what objections she might possibly have. I suspect that part of it is the word *family*. I think she is secretly reluctant to define us with the word family. She would of course not raise this objection openly. I suspect she also thinks that it will be a "family lecture" which is entirely different than my plan for such an activity. It seems she has an objection to the term "family meeting" itself.