I am 30 years old married. 

My mother (50 years old) keeps on telling me that *"Your cousin didn’t have problems with *that* then why are you having problems with the same thing/situation!"*   
*"**I** (Referring to herself) didn't have any problems with *that*, then why do you have the problems with the same thing/situation!"*
When your cousins don't have a problem going to their house to meet their parents, why do you have a problem to coming to your house to meet your parents!

No, she is not illiterate or step mother. She has two graduate degrees and one master's degree. She is a teacher too.

Example cases:  

  -  During my honeymoon my parents kept on ringing me *many times per day* to ask whether I had eaten lunch, what I was doing, why didn't or did I go there etc.
When I returned back I told her that she didn't need to keep on constantly ringing me since I was on my honeymoon and wanted some peace alone.  
She replied, *"I had called your cousin too many times when she was on her honeymoon, she didn't any problems, then why are you having problems?*

  - Now, I have told her that I'll be having a Ceserian delivery and therefore won't be comfortable much and in a presentable situation at that moment so I won't like other relatives to come to the hospital the very same day for seeing me. I requested her to tell them to come some other day. To which she again replied that *"I and your cousin didn't have any problems with relatives visiting in the hospital then why are you having problem?"*

**Does she actually need to be told that I am NOT a clone of anyone in this world? Is her behavior normal?** HUH! And after all this she keeps on wondering why I don't love her and welcome her in my house!