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Questions tagged [vomiting]

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3 votes
2 answers

How can I get my 16-month-old to stop gagging himself, and (sometimes) vomiting?

I know he's doing it to get attention - particularly at the dinner table, or when we're out. But he'll stick one hand in his mouth until he starts gagging, and giggles when my wife tells him to stop. ...
Sean Duggan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

10 year old, extreme fear of vomiting (emetophobia) [closed]

My daughter is increasingly struggling with a fear of vomiting (emetophobia). It started about 3-4 years ago when she vomited for the first time. After that night, she struggled with anxiety around ...
Adam Parkin's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What to do if a breastfeeding toddler vomits?

My daughter has thrown up a lot 2 days ago from 6pm-3am, 6am she was fed 9oz at once (not my choice), she threw all of it up. fed her less pedialite at a time, around 10am she threw up again, a lot,...
Stan M's user avatar
  • 33
3 votes
1 answer

How can I help a ten year old girl not to be frightened of feeling sick?

My daughter was quite recently ill with a virus, which caused vomiting and lengthy periods of feeling very sick. This seems to have made her frightened of the sickness feelings. Now when she has a ...
EleventhDoctor's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How can I help my daughter stop puking in our car?

Our daughter gets sick roughly every time we drive to my parents' house. We already time it for her nap, but it's over two hours, so she winds up awake for the last 30 minutes to an hour or so. And ...
Jaydles's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Preventing motion sickness in a baby on a plane

A few weeks ago, we took our 6-month-old on the plane for the first time. Five hours into a ten-hour flight, with no warning at all, he vomited (and spectacularly, not a little milk burp). A week ...
lambshaanxy's user avatar
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