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Questions tagged [star-chart]

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2 answers

What potty training goals should I use for my son's reward chart?

We've promised my 3 year old son an aquarium for when he completes potty training. Progress has not been as good as we'd like (he pees on the potty almost every day, but has only pooped once). Our ...
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Looking for a daily/weekly chart that awards a child's behavior and Chore completion

Currently I'm trying to create on in excel, but I'm wondering if I'm re-inventing here. I would like the option to customise the chores and behaviors and the rewards and assign different score values ...
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How do you operate a successful "Star Chart"?

So, one of the techniques for improving behaviour that you often hear about is the "star chart". You put the focus on good behaviour by adding stars (I nearly said "badges") for the good stuff and ...
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