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Questions tagged [public-parenting]

For questions about how to parent children in public, when you are around strangers. For example, disciplining your children or teaching them to behave in a socially acceptable way, like in a mall or a restaurant.

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5 votes
5 answers

How to spank in public without having everyone around you assume you're a child abuser?

I believe corporal punishment to be a useful tool in the tool-shed when it comes to lovingly training my beautiful 3 year old boy.[1] For the purposes of this question, I'll just say that my style of ...
2 votes
1 answer

What should be the parents' attitude towards toddlers dancing in public? [closed]

My two toddlers like to do public dance when they hear songs like catchy, lively dance music in shopping malls and other public places. Actually we, parents, are not that kind of open minded. What ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to keep an active toddler behaved at church?

My wife and I attend church weekly with our son, who’s 14 months. He’s become very physically active and can’t really sit still for long during the service (he wants to crawl, walk, play, etc...). We ...
1 vote
3 answers

Is it rude to allow a child only in nappy while playing in a fountain park?

We have 1.5-year-old child and live in Sydney, Australia. There are a few public fountain parks around; A fountain park consists of water cannon, fountain and other toys that children can play with. ...
41 votes
8 answers

Kid throwing ice cream cone back to the vendor

Description of the scene A video I saw portrays a kid in the arms of a woman who (I assume) is the mother. The kid is maybe one year old (my naive estimation). They are at an ice cream shop and the ...
4 votes
2 answers

How to deal with a one year old who resists sitting in shopping cart?

We have an 11-month-old boy who is very mobile (has been walking since 9 months) and now loves to play, run around, and climb on things. One problem we have is that when we're in the grocery store, he'...
12 votes
5 answers

How to eat out with kids?

My wife and I have tried taking our kids out to eat (even at a young age) in hopes that more experiences will help them understand what is appropriate behavior and what is not. My oldest son (4) has a ...
0 votes
1 answer

What impact does narcissism, not NPD, have on modern parenting? [closed]

What impact does narcissism, not NPD, have on modern parenting?