Based on my comment on Beofett's post, some would say "well, look at you just defending porn."
Yeah? So?
Porn -- like sex, drugs, and rock n roll -- is a subject to be discussed with your kids. It's not to be taken lightly or assumed that it'll take care of itself in due course... that's honestly how babies get made.
I grew up in suburbia and started sneaking my dads porn at like 10 or 11. From mags to film (yes I'm that old) to vids. And I'm nowhere near the basket case that these studies make out. I have a great fambly, my kids love me, even the step, and I'm generally thought of as a swell guy in my neighborhood.
(Side note, I asked my 10 yr old y'day "have you ever thought about running away?" He looked at me like I was crazy and said "why would you ask me that? do you WANT me to run away?" This is the house I live in.)
Lets consider some reality. In another post here about television, I said...
I always find the topic of children vs TV as an odd dichotomy. It's like everyone watches tv but nobody wants their kids to watch tv.
The fact is that the most profitable sites on the web are porn. Cam, streaming, download, you name it. I read somewhere that 100m Americans 'consume' some kind of porn on a daily basis. I'll bet that there are regular users of this forum that watch porn regularly. Statistically, this is truth. Join the club.
The numbers for the industry are so vast, so mind bogglingly huge, that I find it extremely difficult to believe that "it's harmful" is even vaguely a true statement. So many people partake on a daily basis without giving any indication to the people around them, because they are normal, law-abiding citizens.
So let me rephrase the question a couple different ways...
- Can porn be harmful at all to a child? Yes.
- Can porn be harmful at all to an adult? Yes.
Wait a sec. . . Let's be specific.
- Will viewing porn as a child cause the adult person to inflict sexually related abuses? No.
- Will viewing porn as an adult cause the adult to inflict sexually related abuses on others? No.
- Will the subject (that watched porn as a child or that regularly watches porn as an adult) have a statistical propensity to inflicting sexually related abuses? Unknown.
Re point 3: I'm referring to the lack of specific statistics showing that a child subjected to porn only (not coupled with abuses or neglect) lead to that person being a sexually abusive adult.
As I said in the comment, causation vs correlation. An adult that sexually abuses children may very well have seen some amount of porn before they were of an age to handle it. I'd lay money that 99% of it was in an atmosphere of abuse or neglect; a mere factor in an atmosphere that, on the whole, was responsible for who they are.
Do I have statistics to back this up? No. The only thing I have is reality. Reality says that 200m people watch television for more than 2 hours a day, and 100m people watch at least some porn each day... And there aren't 200m idiots running around with their thumbs in their butts, or 100m people playing grabass in the workplace or hitting on 8 yr old girls.
"No, of course not, but sexual abuses happen way too often." Again, statistics. 0.1% of 100m is 100 thousand. When you have 100m people doing ANYTHING, even the most remote statistic is going to be a huge number. To say that it's a direct cause is at best inaccurate and at worst irresponsible when it's near impossible to carve out what causes what in a persons behaviour. Lets face it: people are people, and some people are just morons. These particular morons just happen to watch porn like 100m other people.
To answer directly the question of "What harm is porn"
I say that the harm isn't the porn... I say that the harm is in not discussing it and moderating it with your kids. At certain young ages, it warrants blocking. As they get older you can either give them a mental foundation to deal with it under your guardian's eye, O R you can pretend that it's not something they're into and continue to block it till they go to college... which is basically you throwing caution to the wind because as a teenager they will experiment and fool around at their [opposite sex] friend's house and either wind up needing antibiotics or making you a grandparent before you turn 40.