My son is 26 months old, and goes to an in-home daycare with 5-6 other children.
He does very well there, and gets along with the other kids without serious problems (there are the conflicts over sharing that seem inevitable at that age, but all-in-all things are going well).
He seems to look forward to going, and dropping him off in the morning is almost never an issue.
Picking him up in the afternoon, however, has started to result in some friction.
It is becoming increasingly common for my son to be completely wound up when I get there.
It used to be that I was greeted by him shouting "daddy!" and running to me when he saw me come in the door. Now it is more likely that he will should "daddy!", and then start dancing in the middle of the floor (which triggers several other of the boys to join in), or should "chase me!" and then run away.
When I go to physically pick him up, he sometimes throws himself onto the sofa, crying that he doesn't want to go, and instead wants to stay and play with his friends.
What is the best way to deal with this, and get him out of the door in a reasonable amount of time, with a minimum amount of tears?