Our 8 month old is having a bout of really nasty heartburn after getting over norovirus. Our doctor has looked at him and determined he's suffering from normal gastritis and prescribed zantec. Unfortunately Zantec takes 1-2 days to take effect and so he is still suffering from the pangs of heartburn. I can sympathize with him because his symptoms are identical to what I suffer when I have severe heartburn -- painful heartburn 1/2 hour after eating that prevents you from sleeping.
We should have asked our doctor this, I know, but I'm curious if there's more immediate sources of heartburn relief from OTC drugs/home remedies for a baby. If my baby was an adult or older I might give him Tums/Rolaids.
Apparently Pepto Bismol is out due to concerns over Reye's syndrome. Rolaids/Tums obviously seem out due to choking concerns unless I can crush them somehow. Water sometimes works for me personally, but can be a double edged sword--it lowers the pH of one's stomach, but it can also introduce extra liquid volume causing the contents to continue to slosh up one's esophagus, causing more pain.