We typically start our nighttime bed routine at around 6:30. We bathe her, breast feed her and then try to put her to bed. We know that she is tired because she will rub her eyes.
However, she fusses a lot. We hold her in our arms to try to calm/rock her to sleep, but she fusses quite a bit. It would take us 45 - 60 minutes to get her to bed. She probably tires herself out from fussing.
She doesn't really take a pacifier.
We can't figure out why she doesn't go down as easy at night as her naps during the day. During the day, she sleeps in a rocker. We usually rock on the highest setting, play one of the songs that the rocker somes with and also use a white noise machine. (we usually have the white noise machine going as we are trying to put her to bed at night, too.) I've even attempted to record the rocker song and play it back for her...and that doesn't do anything.
We would be grateful for any help or suggestions.