Our newborn child is 2 weeks old and we have taken him out in the stroller a couple of times already. Unsurprisingly, he seems a lot more comfortable and less fidgety when carried in a skin to skin baby sling. This is also a more pleasant (if more tiring) way for us as parents to carry him around, and so we are considering buying a baby carrier that enables longer times/distances than the sling, with good comfort for both parent and child.
There is of course a long list of pros and cons for each of the two alternatives, which are described at length elsewhere. We would ideally like to have and use both the stroller and a baby carrier in their respective situations for which they are ideal, however my worry is the following.
How likely is it that, once our child becomes used to being carried around as a main means of transportation, he will be less and less accepting of being walked around in a stroller? Given everything we know about the need for physical proximity for children younger than one year, this seems exceedingly plausible.
Else, what might be a good pattern of mixing stroller and baby carrier usage, that increases the chance the baby feels comfortable in either one?
I'm not sure if the question is well posed, since sharing of personal experiences (of which I found surprisingly few while googling for this specific topic) will be more helpful than an authoritative answer. Still, it will be very helpful to hear some of these experiences. Thanks!