I am the proud father of a beautiful just-over-3-week-old girl. She has been pretty good up to now in terms of her sleep and feeding cycle. Most of the time, she's asleep, will wake (or be woken) for a change and feed, then she slips right back into sleep by the bottom of the bottle/boob. Most of the time during the day she'll sleep in her Sleepyhead or BabyBjorn chair, and in the evening she will mostly sleep on us skin-on-skin. Then through the night in her moses basket.
However, recently she has become less predictable, and I am certain it's because she is not getting her full amount of naps, or is having them disrupted by us picking her up, moving her, or going out. I have been looking into identifying her sleep cues so that we can see when she needs to go down for a nap. I guess my question is; once she displays these cues (yawning, rubbing eyes, jerking movements etc), what is the course I should put into action in order to quickly get her into a successful nap? Is it different for during the day vs at night (like during the day noises are good, but night there aren't as many)?
As an example, tonight she had an evening feed. She took her usual number of ounces but didn't get milk drunk. But as I was carrying her back up to our bedroom she yawned in my arms. Once I spotted this, I quickly went to her changing table, put on a sleepsuit (she was wearing just a vest up to this point) and put her down in her moses basket in our bedroom. She didn't settle right away, she was a bit wriggly and gurny, and I had to gently rock the basket and for about 60 seconds sshhhh-ed her quite loud. After that she did seem to settle, but was still awake and making little noises and fidgeting for about 5-10 minutes before finally drifting off. The problem with this is I cannot do this at 4am while my wife is sleeping as I do not want to wake her.
I know this probably seems like a pretty simple question, but she didn't come with a manual :)