My daughter was nappy-free even before she turned 3. She is now 3 years 3 months. We went camping for a few days and she did poo in her undies all the time but never peed in her pants. This continued even when we returned home after 10 days. Now she doesn't even tell us and stays in the soiled diaper until discovered by the smell. She never wets the bed. She gets a sticker when she poos in the toilet, which works 1 out of 10 times. I told her we need to consult the doctor if she forgets to tell next time. I am not sure what should I do?
Update: Thank you for the wonderful suggestion, it has been three days in a row my daughter is using toilet for the poo too. I was so embarrassed and sad when she restarted pooing in the diaper. Nothing was working. She was more adamant of not even telling about it after pooing in the diaper. I asked her what she wants to buy, she said she wants to go to the toy shop. I gave her an idea if she gets 5 smileys stick on her vanity she will get to go to her favorite toy shop. It's been 3 days and she got 3 smileys already. hopefully she will get 2 more without any soiled nappy or diaper. She even doesn't want to wear the diaper any more. I am happy, relaxed and a bit surprised that the idea worked so well.