I don't believe in homeopathy1), but my wife does. Regardless of your personal stance on this, I'd like to know what are good ways to resolve a disagreement on homeopathy?
I know the underlying science is discussed over at Skeptics.SE but I am not asking about the science -- I am asking how resolving the conflict between the parents.
My wife takes after her mother and gives our 2yo son homeopathic stuff when he's ill. I have two problems with that:
Homeopathy is not medicine. It has no active ingredients.
If my son is not really ill but in slight discomfort (e.g. mild coughing), then I let my wife do her thing to avoid unnecessary conflict and let any potential placebo effect work. But if he's ill enough to need actual medicine, then I make sure he gets it. I don't trust placebo to cure actual illnesses.I see that my son cannot tell the difference between homeopathy and real medicine.
I fear this might cause him to ingest real medicine at some point when we're not looking, because he hasn't understood that it might be dangerous. If I allow him to beg for homeopathy (essentially small sugar pills) and mommy gives in to the begging, then what's to stop him from doing the same with real medicine?
I am particularly worried because our pediatrician prefers homeopathic treatments as a first step (which inexplicably seems to be legal where we live) and will only ramp up to "real" medicine if the condition gets worse. That kind of thinking is what killed Steve Jobs. I feel that Austria is kind of the Dark Ages of medicine and I'm the only one who's discovered modern science.
1) I know there are million arguments for and against homeopathy. One very public opponent is James Randi, but to me he's just a useful figurehead for the general science-based notion that it's a hoax.