I was wondering if anybody would have any advice on how to get my 6 year old daughter to start potty training. I have tried in the past when she was younger but she would refuse to the toilet and would rather go in her diaper. At the time I thought it was just a phase but she never grew out of it and still uses her diaper during the day time for both needs.if anybody has any advice or tips on how to get her to actually start potty training that would be amazing thank you.
Edit: So I've tried doing a reward system with her and taking her to the toilet every hour but she just doesn't want to use the bathroom no matter what. I have also taken her to see multiple doctors but they say there is nothing physically wrong with her. The only answer I actually got was from a psychologist I took her to but they just told me that she was a late bloomer and might need more time.
When asked, she's said that she prefers diapers because then she doesn't have to stop what she's doing to go. Her school has been okay with the situation this year, as she's not the only one, but said next year it could become a problem.