What steps can I take to wean my 2 year old daughter off breastfeeding? She is just now starting to sleep through the night, but we still nurse multiple times throughout the day and up until only a few weeks ago, throughout the night as well.
I have tried the "don't offer, don't refuse" method, but she has not slowed down her pace at all and I'm touched out.
I tell her no, or move her hands from tugging at my shirt, and she will scream and yell for hours until I give in. Even when she doesn't cry, she will sneak her way to me when I'm not fully paying attention. For instance, if I'm having a conversation or on the phone where I'm distracted, she can sneak into my lap and begin nursing almost before I even realize.
I have decided I am done breastfeeding and would like actionable steps to take to help wean her completely.