My husband and I are raising our two-year-old daughter in a bilingual home. I speak English, my husband speaks Afrikaans, and we speak each of our respective languages to our daughter. (We basically do OPOL, and we speak mostly English to eachother)
My husband and I both read to her at different times, but we both choose from the same pool of books. We have differing opinions on how to handle opposite language books. My husband will only read Afrikaans books to her, but I will read both languages and if she chooses a book in the opposite language, I'll just translate it on the fly (They're big picture books, so there aren't too many words in any case).
I'm concerned that reading the exact same book in two languages may be confusing to her. Sometimes when I'm reading a book, my daughter will use the Afrikaans word because she knows that one best (which is fine!) and I just say "yes, that's a {english word}".
I'm just concerned that I'm un-doing her learning of the other language when I read to her the exact same book in another language. Is this something I should be worried about? Should I just stick with one language per book?