I am in 8th grade, and I am currently in four high school classes. I understand that these are significantly high stakes classes, and I genuinely try my best in each one of them. I am currently holding A's in all of my classes, but I feel terrible about myself. Every time I receive a grade of B or lower, I inflict myself with a mental beating, and when my mom finds out about the grade, I am yelled at. She literally threatens to take away everything that I enjoy, and she has once said "At this rate you are going to end up going to a community college and spend the rest of your life answering phones or flipping burgers." I believe that my own feelings plus this have resulted in me having massive amounts of anxiety and depression. The thing is, my mother refuses to believe this. She is a pediatrician, and all the doctors at her office recognize me as a sweet, happy, little girl. I feel like I would let them down if I really told them how I felt, and that my mom would accuse me of lying. She not only refuses to believe me, but I think she may be the source of it.
Furthermore, I believe that I possess some form of ADHD, mild or severe. I can barely ever seem to stop moving, and I constantly have a song or five stuck in my head. This makes it almost impossible to concentrate, unless it is on something that I genuinely care about. I think that I need to take a test to see if my self-diagnosis is legitimate, but my mom refuses to believe me. Her idea of helping me get the songs out of my head is to stop listening to music. I am a band student who is obsessed with musicals, and I find that as either impossible, or a literal walking nightmare. I can learn almost anything from songs, and they often help me through hard times. Please help me tell my mom that I really am not okay, and please aid me in convincing her to enable me get help.