Our son recently returned home following three nights in the hospital with pneumonia. He's healthy, but the experience seems to have changed him, at least temporarily:
He spent his entire time in isolation, not allowed to leave his room. One or both of his parents was there at all times, and I think he got used to having us around. (Typically, both parents work during the day.) Now that he's home, he wants us to still be there all the time.
Some of his experiences were traumatic for a toddler: having his IV put in was hellish for everyone involved. And his oxygen and albuterol treatments, which required a mask, scared him a great deal. He frequently woke up mid-nightmare, flailing his arms and shouting "Go away" to the nurses in his dreams. Now that he's home, he says he's still having bad dreams...although pre-hospital stay, he frequently used this as justification for leaving his bed and joining us in ours.
Like any 3-year-old, he is happy one moment and sad/angry the next, and I suspect that in time, he'll forget this whole episode. But we also suspect his experience at the hospital is lingering with him in negative ways. How can we help our son cope with what just happened to him?