I live on my own and am relatively financially stable. A few years ago my parents got divorced. Things didn't go smoothly between them and they went to court a number of times.
I never fully understood the details but my dad always said that the courts had ordered both him and my mom to give me money because I am young or was still in school or something like that. He claims that my mom didn't give me the money owed, and that he wants 4 years worth of financial records from me. My dad had given a series of post dated checks and made it clear this was his contribution. My mom seemed to haphazardly give me money. It was very confusing as I was covered by both of my parents extended medical and sometimes my mom would include these payments with the reimbursement from medical. Also she would sometimes direct transfer money into my bank account so I didn't know it was coming from her. For the record it wouldn't be unusual for my mom not to be fully honest and for my dad to be bad at explaining things.
I'm not sure what to do. My dad basically wants income statements from the past 4 years, which I don't really have on hand. I guess a question I could ask him is if needs everything or would it help if I only had the info for some of my jobs and could guess the rest? (over the past 4 years I have worked at several different places)
How much work, if any should I put into this? Should I start trying to call up past employers and ask to speak to the pay roll department? Should I ignore my dad or say I'm not interested? I don't even know what's fair/moral. I'm an adult now so I guest the caned response is "you're on you're own" but I did find my parents seldom helped me (for example everyone beneath 30 I know had some help from their parents paying for school. Point is it's common in my area to get financial assistance from parents after 18).
My mom once helped me pay rent and latter said it was a gift and I didn't need to pay her back. So there's that.