My wife and I both tend to have... colorful language (for me it tends to be far worse when driving). Our son just turned one, and is starting to become more verbal. He's not quite at the point where he's repeating whatever we say, but it is just around the corner.
While I think that we're well equipped to explain to him what is and is not acceptable language, it will likely be a while before he is able to make that distinction. While I generally consider profanity to be "just words", we'd rather avoid having issues with other parents or teachers.
What can my wife and I do to avoid our son picking up some of our more colorful vocabulary?
Slip ups will happen from time to time, at least until we can get used to the new restrictions. How can we mitigate the damage of any lapses? Are there any general strategies that can demonstrate proper behavior without causing confusion along the lines of "do what we say, not what we do"?