My 21-year-old son is newly divorced. He and his former wife hate each other a lot. Recently, his ex wife started posting pictures on social media of her baby boy just born in November.
Which would have made her pregnant a few months before their divorce and before my son left their home. I look at this sweet baby and he is my son's twin. It's hard not to notice. See, my son is half vietnamese and caucasian and his wife is mexican. And this baby has asian features - my son's features.
The baby's mother posted on a social site: "I never want my son's father to ever see him or even hold him. I don't want him to even know he exsists". And my son refuses to even look at a photo of the baby. I simply asked the mother if the baby was my son's and she got mad and then blocked me on all her social sites and said she's sorry but we can't have communication anymore.
How can I approach this situation without overstepping my bounds?
Is it wrong of me to want to know if this baby is my grandson?
Is it wrong to want the chance to love him and be a grandma?
Or should I just let it go, since both mother and my son deny it?
And if it's not wrong of me, how should I address this issue?