My son is 2.5 years old, he's already talking simple sentences and tries to communicate with us (the parents): showing us a large bug, telling that a marker is orange and he wants it etc.
However when I (the father) try to spend time with him and teach him something he very quickly loses interest and wouldn't sit down to do stuff together like a jig-saw puzzle for kids ( 10-18 peaces ) or learn a child-song or even listen to me reading a children's book. Playing outdoors with a ball or a soft Frisbee get's no attention at all, he would not find joy in kicking the ball and go to his favorite slide or sandbox ( or chase pigeons ).
I'm working a lot and I only get to spend time with my son in the mornings ( I take him to the day-care ) and evenings 1h before he sleeps, this time is mostly occupied by feeding him and washing before sleep. And the whole weekend, although I don't feel that's enough. So I'm worried that it's not enough time that I get to spend together and I don't have enough chance to teach his something so we would have our own games that we enjoy and hopefully have a stronger bond.
Just a few notes: my child is healthy both mentally and physically, my wife has about same time that she can spend with him as we both work; finally I don't have an issue the child not listening to me or not caring about us. It's just hard to teach his something that involves complex rules ( simple kick-the ball or jigsaw ). Finally, I did try to tire him out by playing by his rules, after about 2h I were completely out of strength, he was happy but wanted MORE since it was fun for him to get lifted/tickled chased after etc.
Any tips how to engage a child with more intellectual activities? I really want him to learn at least first 5-10 letters of the alphabet and try to..."draw" them.