Here is an example of what states are allowed to approve for WIC eligibility. States have their own standards as well.
The following list provides the Federal requirements for WIC-eligible foods. USDA requirements for WIC-eligible foods can be found in 7 CFR Part 246.10.
The page discusses infant formula, exempt infant formula, milks, cheese, fruit and vegetable juices, shell eggs, canned/frozen fruits and vegetables, whole wheat bread, canned fish, and peanut butter.
State agencies are required to authorize container sizes that provide the full maximum monthly allowance of foods without exceeding the maximum.
Under Infant Food Fruits & Vegetables, we see that fat content, sugar content, types and amount of additives, etc. determine eligibility.
Types/Requirements of Infant Fruits and Vegetables
- Any variety of single ingredient commercial infant food fruit without added sugars, starches, or salt (e.g., sodium). Texture may range from strained through diced. The fruit must be listed as the first ingredient.
- Any variety of single ingredient commercial infant food vegetables without added sugars, starches, or salt (e.g., sodium). Texture may range from strained through diced. The vegetable must be listed as the first ingredient.
- Combinations of single ingredients (e.g., peas-carrots and apple-banana) are allowed.
Not Allowed
- Mixtures with cereal or infant food desserts (e.g., peach cobbler).
- Any variety of commercial infant food meat or poultry, as a single major ingredient, with added broth or gravy. Texture may range from pureed through diced.
Not Allowed
- Added sugars or salt (e.g., sodium).
- Infant food combinations (e.g., meat and vegetables) or dinners (e.g., spaghetti and meatballs).
- Any variety of commercial infant food meat or poultry, as a single major ingredient, with added broth or gravy. Texture may range from pureed through diced.
So the difference is in additives, etc, as outlined above.
You can read more at the link provided or at your states WIC page.