Would you take a 3 and a half year old girl to the funeral of her great-granddad?
She knows about death and heaven...
Death belongs to life, right?
On the other hand, I don't want to overstrain her...
Edit: I would like to share my experience with you after everything has happened:
One day before the funeral I took her and explained very clearly what we are going to do, why and what will happen. Children have a very clear language. So I explained that he died, that means we will never be able to visit him, talk to him again or even see him anymore. We were going to say goodbye to him. He will be inside of a box that is going to be put under the earth. People are going to be very sad for a while. She accepted all of this easily. So I was not absolutely sure about the grade of understanding, but since I know her and she is pretty smart, I was sure there should not be anymore suprises for her in what is going to happen. So we took her with us. Inside of the church she was pretty calm and curious. Never frightened or something. Sometimes a bit simpering. Lateron during the funeral the same. She dropped some flowers into the grave and said bye. That's it.
I am sure her presence was helpful for some of the relatives although I cared that she was not instrumented for anyone to feel better at any time. She decided herself who to talk to and where to go.
Lateron she explained her little sister that gran-grandad has "decended in a box and is now gone". That's it. Maybe she will remember this experience in future, maybe not, but I am very sure she will defenitely not remember it as something very scary.
The benefit is that she was a part of the process and I am sure she will never wonder where he is and why he is not there anymore because she simply knows what happened and was a part of the process to say goodbye. I am happy about the decision.
Thank you for your attention and suggestions.