The baby is 2 years 3 months old. She is utterly interested in drawing. She has now been put in a playschool where I was told that she will be given homework regarding colouring pictures.
I have noticed that the colouring books meant for small children contain giant drawings. Most of them have big square, cirle, and other shapes etc. Other do have some animals but they are also very big.
My opinion is that if someone asks me to colour a big rectangle, I won't be interested because:
It is very big so it will take a long time to colour it.
It is does not represent anything so it is not interesting.
Now considering the above logic, I have brought the colouring books meant for bigger children for my toddler. These books have smaller pictures of animals, birds, and people.
I show the parts of body of animals, birds, and people to the child and then ask her to colour the specific part.
She seems to enjoy this. She enjoys colouring horns, eyes, feet, hands, ears. The problem starts when I ask her to colour the torso. She loses interest. I can guess that the reason is that the torso is big whether it is of an animal or a human. It is big.
I have tried the following to encourage her:
I have given her oil pastels instead of wax crayons because of the smoothness and bright shades they have. She loves them.
I tell her that I will colour x part of the body, and then ask her which part would you colour? She responds happily to this too.
But these steps do not work when colouring the torso. Also, according to the second point listed above, I colour half of the sketch and she colours the other half.
Right now, she hasn't been given any homework but when she does get the homework I am not sure if the second step I follow will be considered cheating(?) I am also not sure if this is proper way to encourage her!
Also, her school books have big rectangles to colour. I don't know how to force her to colour that giant rectangle, and animals which have giant torsos, when I myself think that colouring that giant rectangle/area is wastage of time. I never do it myself even though I am very much interested in Arts!
How to encourage a 2 year old toddler to complete colouring a sketch?