Our 7-month old boy is only sleeping an average of 11-12 hours each day. During the day, he usually takes 3 naps, and each one only last approx. 30 mins. From 3 months onwards, he has always been a light sleeper compare to other babies at his age, but the situation seems to be getting worse recently.
A little sound can wake him up, especially during the day. I'm not sure if it's due to bad habits (we used to rock him and sometimes my parents would hold him during his entire nap, which usually only lasted for 20 mins). For naps, we still hold him in our arms till he's almost asleep and we give him a pacifier. At night, we usually have a routine to play some music, hold him and pat him and until he's totally relaxed, we put him in his cot with a pacifier.
When he's awake, he's usually very alert and doesn't seem like he's having a lack of sleep... We read about babies at this age should be sleeping an average of 14-15 hours a day, so the baby have sufficient rest, which is essential for brain development.
I also heard the sleeping problem could be caused by his diet (e.g. he's not getting enough food so he keeps waking up). He just started solid at 6 months and he now takes approx. 700ml of formula (similac stage 2) each day.
Here is his general routine:
- 5am - 6am: start waking up/ falling back to sleep - usually we give him a small feed (e.g. 60ml of formula or 90ml of water)
- 8am - 150-210ml formula
- 9-11am - nap/play. nap usually only lasts 30 mins
- 12pm - 120ml formula + 4 flat tablespoons of rice cereal with veggie
- 1-4pm - play/ 1-2 naps. each nap lasts only 30 mins
- 4pm - 180ml formula
- 7pm - 120ml formula + 4 flat tablespoons of rice cereal with veggie
- 8-9pm - bed time
- 12am - sometimes if baby wakes up, we give him 60ml milk (dilute with extra water)
We've been talking about letting him cry, but it's very hard to implement (mainly for us, emotionally), I'm also not sure if our 'soft' routine is a problem. my friends been raving about gina ford's first year contented baby book, i do believe in it but since our son sleeps so little, it's very hard to keep the routine.
Thank you in advance for your help!