I have 2 girls. Neither one slept in the crib. I spent 4 years sleeping in their bed with them.
About the best advise I can give on the subject is that you know how much sleep you need to not die behind the wheel. If you're willing to keep fighting a crib then I believe persistence will eventually lead to your baby taking to a crib. Eventually they will realize you're there and be more comfortable. At 3 months, I think a bassinet might be easier for you to deal with since there's less awkwardness when bending over to get or place your baby in the sleeping area. Mine always woke up when I tried to get them down into the pit of the crib. But the bassinet was just shallow enough to not cause an issue transitioning.
However, the flip side... if you're like me and want to die as soon as your sleep is destroyed, then even a little time fighting the crib of vast meaninglessness is far too much for the payoff that only others can see. As far as I'm concerned, the crib offers no security that couldn't be accomplished by a huge mattress on the floor where they cant fall. So that's what I did. And I did the whole co-sleep thing. When it was time to transition back into reality they handled it perfectly fine. Now they sleep with regular routine.
I personally don't see the overall purpose of a crib. To me a crib is like a bike. Everyone I know who has crib experience tells stories of escaping the crib. Some to safety, some to falls. Just like everyone I know who has rode a bike at some point got hit by a car. Some things in life I just don't understand what the purpose of adopting are. Is it a fantasy of what a nursery is supposed to be? Are they used as containment utilities and not strictly just for sleep? A societal convention? I not only believe, but have lived the scenario that proves cribs are unnecessary, and rather burdensome.