My wife is 12 weeks along with our first child and we are very excited to be parents next year. However, since about week 6, she has had quite a few bouts with nausea. We were quite aware that this is normal in pregnancy and informed that it most often slackens in intensity during the second trimester (here's to hoping that's the case), but yesterday was probably the worst day yet. She ate early in the morning and then was unable to hold down liquids or food for the remainder of the day. This culminated in an evening of about 5-6 trips to the bathroom to vomit which made a rough total of about 9 or so episodes of vomiting.
Long story short, I was quite concerned and tried repeatedly to convince her that it was time to go into the hospital (Sunday night so urgent cares and/or doctor's offices were closed) so that she could get hydrated and possibly some nourishment. My question is was I over-reacting? If not, what are some ways that I could convince her that the hospital is the best bet? (The situation was complicated by the fact that she was very tired, both from the dehydration and a poor night of sleep, so going into the hospital sounded like a terrible idea to her). If it helps with severity of her symptoms she did mention this morning that she probably should have gone in last night. I just want my wife and my growing child to be safe and healthy.