My 4 year-old daughter keeps saying to her mom that she doesn't like/love her, and refuses to retract the comment or say sorry. Is this "normal"? A "phase"? It's pretty hard for mom to take.
For context, mom is a stay at home mom, and I work. My daughter seems "normal" enough, but perhaps a little non-social (not anti-social; just doesn't actively seek out the company of others her age). I (father) have a close relationship with my daughter, and she spontaneously says she loves me.
There is a younger sister 2.5 year-old on the scene, and she is very attached to mom. My enquiries to my daughter as to why she is feeling this way seem to point toward her being jealous of the attention mom gives the little one.
Have others encountered this behaviour? Should we be seeing a shrink? My suggested "solution" is for mom to spend some special one-on-one time with her.
Any feedback/ideas/experience welcome.