I have a 5-year-old and we're in the USA. He had been to preschool when he was 3.5 years old for 1.5 years.
Now at 5 years 4 months, he is able to read the sentences, write words, do almost 2nd grade math. He loves doing math, additions, subtraction, etc., and he does it fast. Now reading the books.
Because of the job, we moved to a different place and had a travel. Now after the dust settled, we wanted to put him in Kindergarten or 1st grade. But since it's almost the end of the academic year, no school is willing to enroll him. There is one school that is okay to enroll him now, but it's for pre-schooling. As we have no other option, we are planning to enroll him there, instead of keeping him home.
However, we are very concerned that he might not learn anything new and or not enjoy his schooling, as they will be teaching ABCs and 123s, and will be sitting with kids younger than his age. He always likes to go to school.
Is it okay or might it back-fire? Or better to wait and put him in proper class? Would his development slow down?