I have a 6 year old and was a single mum for 4 years. I raised him and disciplined him to the point where he is very very sociable and everybody thinks he is one of the most well behaved boys they have ever met.
I recently got married and my husband is following my way of disciplining him, however my son has stopped behaving the way he would and has gone out of control. He is very cheeky in his responses and he can be rude to people. My mother in law thinks it is OK and that he will learn as he gets older, her encouraging him is driving me crazy.
I am now pregnant with my second baby and my son's behaviour is getting tougher by the day. I have tried every avenue to try and pull him back to how he was when I disciplined him. I have tried talking to my mother in law and even got into a massive argument, but she still thinks it's OK and doesn't tell him off when he is being cheeky or rude. He doesn't listen to me anymore and instead goes to my mother in law for approval. He doesn't behave this way when his nana is not around. How do I discipline him and make him listen to me even when my mother in law is around? please please help.
Edit: I didn't change my way of disciplining him.. He gets to play his games and toys as long as he eats his breakfast lunch and dinner.. There are timings throughout the day for lessons and food and games.. Now he just doesn't listen when I say don't do that or eat your food.
For the past year she has been around at least 4 times a year and have stayed 2 weeks each time but this would be the longest since we are here for 2 months while waiting for the baby to be born