My 5 yr old son just started Kindergarten last month. His class uses the Red, Yellow, Green color methods to record his behavior for the day and he has had 90% Red - which is bad. He is being very disrespectful to his teacher, not making eye contact when she speaks to him (when he is in trouble), hiding his face or turning his face away from her.
He also has lied to her a few times when in trouble. He denies doing things like kicking a little girl and taking a toy from a boy -- the teacher saw him do these things but he lies.
Then today he pushed a little boy down on the playground and got sent to the principals office and written up. They told me if he does this again he will get suspended.
I have already started a incentive/reward system for good behavior at home and when he acts bad at school he loses privileges such as time on his tablet, TV time, Computer time, ect.
Both at school and at home I don't think the incentives/rewards are working. I also don't think he cares about the consequences. I don't know what to do next. I've taken every singel toy away from him before and it didn't phase him. I have yelled, I have talked calmly, I have spanked I have timed him out. He is a very smart boy and a very sweet boy. He just occasionally gets very stubborn and defiant and there is no changing his mind. I hope I get a response quickly as I don't know how I should even act picking him up today - I've never dealt with this and don't know how to make sure he understands that pushing someone today and the possibility of getting suspended is BAD!! I just don't know how to scare him or make him understand this is a big deal. HELP!!