I care for a 11-month-old baby who has two weeks where they arrive at 5:30am and then 2 weeks they arrive at 1pm.
For the 5:30 shift, the baby should be going to sleep. The mom had said it was normal for the baby to wake between 5 and 5:30 am, have a bottle, and go back to sleep, so I figured I would do same.
I change the baby's diaper and give a bottle, but when the baby is put down for nap the baby just screams his head off until I pick him up. The screams are not scared screams; they are the screams of a frustrated child waiting to get their own way. This is very evident when I go in and he instantly stops screaming and smiles and motions to be picked up. There are never any tears with the screaming.
No matter what I try: rubs, soft music, white noise, holding them to try to get to sleep, etc., nothing is working. As soon as I pick him up, he is all smiles and giggles.
As soon as I walk into the room (yes, I have tried different rooms in the house; it doesn't matter) he stops screaming right away and smiles. There is never a tear in his eyes. I'll go in, lay down the baby, and say "you are ok. Night night!"
You can see how exhausted he is, and see that he needs the nap. The baby has dark circles under his eyes, is extremely tired, and yawns all the time. I am becoming seriously concerned for the child because of his lack of sleep. He sleeps fine at night, I am told, and goes to sleep at 7-7:30 pm with no issues, and, for the most part, sleeps through the night until 5-5:30 am.
He/she will lay down on the floor, but just will not sleep for a nap at all. I have spoken to the mom about it, and she says he does it at home too. He has no naps at all during day when not in my care.
I am at wits' end. I have never had a child flat-out not sleep. I have cared for many babies and never have I run into an issue like this. I have other children in my care and it interferes with what we are doing because I constantly am trying to settle this baby in for a nap. The other children do not nap but have quiet time and the baby screams through it. I would hate to have to end care with the family, but I cannot have the other children having to play second fiddle while I am running up and down trying to get a tired baby to sleep.
How do I get this child to settle into sleep for a nap?