My daughter will be turning 8 in a few days, and I have been unsuccessful in trying to get her to stop crying when she becomes frustrated. Examples are:
- She is currently in dance and takes 8 classes a week, which she loves. She believes she is excelling in all classes, which she is, however if there is a time when the teacher teaches a new step and she can't get it within the 1st few minutes, she becomes frustrated and cries....
- In gymnastics, she takes a semi-private class with her best friend who has been in gymnastics for 5 years, and she cries every single time when the teacher is showing her how to do an Arial and her friend can. She still continues with all classes and does stop crying and continues to work on the steps. I have explained that her friend has taken so many more gymnastics classes than her and that she will eventually get it if she continues to work hard at it, because she always ends up learning anything that was hard, the more she practices.
My daughter seems to be a perfectionist, she stands out in her dance classes and the teachers seem to really take an interest in her, however when she cries she loses focus, but still carries on with the class and then stops crying.
I have talked to her several times about it, not sure what else could be said to her in order to have her learn to deal with frustration in a different manner rather than tears?