My wife and I sleep in separate rooms because I snore too loud and she can't sleep. When we had our son he started sleeping with her and he still does now that he's 7.
A few years ago we moved to the US, we could only afford a 2 bedroom apartment so the situation continued. We now have to move and I want a 3 bedroom so our son will get his bedroom. But the 3 bedroom apartments in our area are too expensive and if we move to another area that is cheaper then he will go from a top school in the state to a crappy school. The main reason we moved to this area was for the great schools.
Is it terrible that at 7 he sleeps with his mother and doesn't have his own room? Should we get a 3 bedroom apartment so he has his room no matter what? If we get another 2 bedroom apartment to keep his great school, how long can we keep this up? Until he's 8? 9?