I have a slightly preemie newborn baby, and when I sterilize her bottles and such in the Big, Boiling Pot of Bacterial Death, I notice a white film that appears on everything. From some web searches, it seems that this is calcium/lime deposits from hard water.
So, as much fun as it sounds to wash somewhere between 3 and 8 million tiny bottle pieces prior to sterilization, sterilize in a big pot, and then wash again to remove the calcium deposits, my strong suspicion is that there is no actual harm caused to my infant by the hard water clouding.
Are my instincts good here? Unless I know that I am right, I will still err on the side of caution and clean everything again. I just can't help but wonder if this is a total waste of time.
Edit: Any efforts taken to cite sources for claims would undoubtedly be appreciated, both by me, and by all of the space-visitors from the future!