Nowadays there are very few sicknesses that a toddler or a pre-schooler can catch and that will kill or irreversibly harm him. Most bacteria infections can be treated and there is little real danger. Viral infections are rarely lethal.
Many parents attempt to put the baby in a protective bubble - don't let them get wet, so that they won't catch a cold, don't take them to a pool, because they can get an ear infection, and so on.
On the other hand, since most catchable diseases are curable, we could let our children go and get cold and wet, let their organisms strenghten, and if they get sick, we can treat them accordingly.
What do you think is the correct approach? What is best for our children? What kind of middle ground between the two extremes should we attempt to reach? Or is one of the extremes a good solution?
Is there trustworthy research which proves one way is better than other for long-term health?