My eight year old son brings homework from school every day. When we sit at the table and work through it together he produces lovely, legible handwriting, albeit with continuous supervision and constant reminders to try hard. However, the writing he produces at school is an illegible scrawl, all of it, every time.
Given that he is perfectly capable of writing well, why is the writing he does at school of such a poor quality?
I've taken a look at the answers to this question and others here, but they all appear to relate to how to help a child improve their writing skills. My son has the skills already, and I would like to know why he doesn't employ them whilst at school.
His teachers tell me that they are paying it particular attention and that the syllabus prevents them from teaching handwriting in the way it was when I was at primary school. But this doesn't explain why they don't encourage him to practice what he's already capable of doing.
I'd be most grateful if someone could shed some light on this before I fall out with his school completely.