Are there things you could do to gradually reduce your son's fears?
My son was afraid of the hoover when he was 2. I think it was the noise that bothered him, and the way that things disappeared into it. The thing that helped him most was learning that he could control the hoover himself. As a result, I've got some great photos of him doing the hoovering!
Here are some things you could try:
- Make up stories for your son about a friendly silver man who is a hero who loves to save little boys from bad things. Let your son help you make up the stories.
- Read books about nice friendly robots.
- Phone up your son and let him talk to you on your iPhone.
- Buy a nice cute cuddly robot for him, one that he can take to bed.
- Gradually reintroduce the things that you've taken away. Let his favourite cuddly toys play with them. Show him that you're not afraid of them.
- Make robots out of old cerial boxes.
- Let him rescue you from paper robots by tearing them up.
The other thing to bear in mind is your response to your son's fears.
My son is now 7 years old, but still wets the bed. When he does so, he needs a shower in the morning. The important thing is that on days when he doesn't we the bed, he can still have a shower if he wants to. That way, if he wants a shower then he doesn't have to wet the bed to get one.
So (for example) if you only let you're son into your bed when he wakes up worried about robots, then that's just one more reason for him not to let go of his fear. On the other hand, if he can come into your bed (at certain times) anyway, then he's free to let go og the fear without loosing any of its benefits.
Generally, then, continue to comfort and reassure your son when he's frightened, but make sure you offer the same comfort and reassurance at other times, too.
Finally, remember that these fears won't last forever. They're probably very frustrating for him / you / your family at the moment, but in time they are sure to pass.
All the best!