8 votes

Infant needs help with pacifier falling out of her mouth, she can't keep her pacifier in her mouth. How to stop pacifier from falling out?

This one you'll just have to wait out. 4 weeks is very young. She'll gradually start to sleep deeper and longer, and not wake up because of the missing pacifier. Eventually, she'll learn to put it ...
Michael Borgwardt's user avatar
1 vote

Infant needs help with pacifier falling out of her mouth, she can't keep her pacifier in her mouth. How to stop pacifier from falling out?

You could just not use a pacifier at all. Babies don't always have to have something in their mouths. You might use a pacifier to "pacify" her for a few minutes after you take the bottle or ...
mikem's user avatar
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1 vote

Infant needs help with pacifier falling out of her mouth, she can't keep her pacifier in her mouth. How to stop pacifier from falling out?

I agree with Michael Borgwardt that she is not yet capable of holding in a paci. Dr. Ferber talks about this in his book, and he recommends training them to sleep without a pacifier. I know that will ...
multitaskingmom's user avatar
1 vote

When should a child stop using a pacifier, and how can I help with this transition?

Getting our twins (almost 3 at the time) off pacifiers during the day came about naturally, but before bed/naps, they just had to have it. We couldn't manage spending hours trying to get two babies to ...
Kimbi's user avatar
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